This afternoon I had the privilege of witnessing another incredible move of the Lord; with absolutely no mistaking, this miracle was from His mighty outstretched arm! He parted the Red Sea, where there didn't seem to be a way! Finding a private message from a woman on one of our Facebook pages, explaining that she is 16 weeks pregnant and in need of help, I immediately called the phone number she left. She answered right away thanking me for calling her and began to explain how she had found the facebook page/us. She shared how after finding out that she was pregnant with her fourth child, her husband out of work, and both of them Haitian and undocumented; she became panicked and began considering abortion, even though they are both Christians! She convinced herself that this was the only solution, and the decision was made to get the abortion.
So, she got on her computer and googled for an abortion center in the Kissimmee area and found Planned Parenthood, but the site she pulled up wasn't PP Kissimmee, but STOP Planned Parenthood of Kissimmee, our site! She began to look at all the pictures and noticed that all the people looked to be Christians holding crosses, signs against abortion, pictures of babies that had been killed by abortion, and one
particular sign that stood out to her, and that was one that said, "FREE HELP, YOU DON'T HAVE TO ABORT", with a phone number to call, which is the Pro-Life Action Ministries Central Florida ministry line! After looking at the pictures of all the people/Christians, the signs, crosses, and the offer of free help and you don't have to abort, she told me, at that moment, she thought to herself, "What am I thinking? What am I doing? I'm a Christian and I can't kill my child, I can't do this!"
This is when she called the ministry number and left the message, which I found, and called. I was able to speak with both her and her husband and both were very convicted at the thought of killing their child, and are now looking forward to seeing their baby on an ultrasound, which they will be having Monday, and I have the privilege of accompanying them. How amazing is this? Only God could have done something this magnificent, and once again, I am reminded that God uses so many different things to save a baby from the brutal death of abortion and to let us know that HE is God, and HE alone. We only need to make ourselves available, willing and able! Nothing is by accident; this abortion bound woman did not just happen to end up on the STOP Planned Parenthood of Kissimmee facebook page, no, this was the Lord God Almighty and HE gets all the glory! Yes, God used a sign and a facebook page to save this child's life and I praise HIM! Since talking with this couple, I have felt such joy, joy unspeakable, and I am once again humbled that I serve such an incredible Savior! No King, but King Jesus!
"He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted." Job 9:10
I've noticed a trend making it's way viral, and that is the hashtag #shoutyourabortion, Well, let me get something straight, I WILL NOT SHOUT FOR THE ABORTIONS I TOOK PART IN!!!!!! What I will shout about is how I was not a victim, that this very act was sinful, selfish, and an act of murder. Because of my utter rebellion and entering into a sinful lifestyle, little children lost their lives. And what I will never stop doing is praising my wonderful Savior, Jesus Christ, for picking me up out of a deep pit of hell for the bloodshed I took part in. I will always be thankful that HIS kindness led me to repentance, with weeping and sackcloth and
Nancy Miles with me as I weeped for my children at a Memorial Service at New Covenant Church in 1991.
ashes. He washed me white as snow and I will never stop sharing HIM and HIS marvelous ways to a lost and dying world. I will praise HIM for opening my eyes to HIS marvelous truth. And I will never stop talking about how horrible abortion is, that it is an abomination before God Almighty and how very wrong I was for taking part in this bloodshed. I will be there to try to rescue babies from impending death, I will be a voice for the voiceless, and I will tirelessly continue to work toward restoring personhood back to the unborn human beings. I will press forward and keep my eyes on the prize of seeing an end to this holocaust of abortion, I will settle for nothing less! These aforementioned things are what I will shout about, and unashamedly! I would encourage any of you, especially those of you in this battle that took part in this bloodshed, to come forward and share about it openly and make it known that you will not #shoutyourabortion/abortions!
As he got closer, I could see the turmoil he was in and the tears in his eyes. I asked him if his girl was inside the abortion center, to which he said yes, with his head to the ground.
I asked him if this was his baby and again, struggling, he said yes.
This is when he began to tell me that he has and had been trying hard to talk her out of killing their baby. He said that he told her that he would be there for the baby, for her, and do whatever it took; but she wouldn't listen, and now she was waiting for the abortionist to show up.
I told him, "you must not give up, you must go back in and try again." He agreed, went back in, but within ten minutes he was out, and walked directly back to me.
"She won't budge, she won't come out, she's bent on killing our child, there is nothing I can do!"
I asked if he knew God, if he ever went to church when he was younger, and right away, he told me he grew up in church, and knew full well what God felt about this, and he was sick to be there. He told me that he could feel the evil in that place.
I told him that if after trying hard to save his baby, and her refusing, that if she wouldn't change her mind, he should leave, and the bloodshed would not be on his hands. I also told him that today could be the day that he could totally surrender his life to Christ, even in the midst of what was happening.
With tears in his eyes and acknowledging and agreeing with what I said he walked to his car.
Shortly after that, I noticed another young man pacing back and forth with his head down. I called to him and asked if he would come and speak with me, and to my surprise, he began to walk toward me and as he got closer, I could see the same turmoil as the other young man as well as tears in his eyes.
I asked him, "What's going on? Do you have a girl inside waiting for an abortion? Is this your baby?"
"Yes, this is my baby! I can't believe I am here, I know better!"
I asked him if he knew God and right away he said "Yes, I grew up in the pentecostal church, I know better."
I then said to him, "Then you know what God says about shedding innocent blood, and that HIS word says, Thou shalt not kill."
"Yes, I know, this is killing me, but she just won't listen to me. I've asked her not to do this, I want this baby."
I told him, "You must try again, please go back in and get her out." I gave him information, and he agreed to go back in and try to plead with her to not go through with killing their child.
Again, as with the other young man, he was inside for about ten minutes, came out and walked toward me with his head down.....I knew what this meant without him having to tell me.
"She won't listen, she is going to kill our child, and there isn't anything I can do about it."
I told him, that we could pray, which we did, and I also told him the same thing I told the other young man, that if she refused and continued on with her plan of killing their child, that he should leave to avoid bloodshed on his hands, and also that this could be the day that he truly surrendered his life completely to Christ, even in the midst of all of this death.
With tears in his eyes, he thanked me and headed for his car.
Unbelievably, a short time later, Miss Pat whom I was ministering with was talking with another young man, who, with tears in his eyes, was telling her that he had tried everything to stop his girl from having an abortion, but she wouldn't listen, and she was sitting inside this building of death.
I gave him one of our brochures with all of the help available and told him to try again, to which he agreed as the other two young men did.
He went inside and came out a short while later, but, telling us she would not change her mind! We could see the turmoil in this young man, he was truly torn apart and did not know what to do.
Suddenly his abortion bound girl came out and I talked with her a bit, but she wouldn't budge and was determined to follow through with her plans of paying someone to stop the beating heart of their child.
She went back inside and this young man stayed with us for the next hour. We prayed with him, talked with him, but most of all really shared the true gospel of Christ with him, and just as with the other two men, I told him the same thing....."even in the midst of this horrible situation, and this death, this can be the day that you truly surrender your whole life to Jesus Christ. This young man broke down before us confessing that he had grown up in the church as the other young men and had strayed away, and knew he had to make changes and surrender his whole being to Christ.
This is when he told me he wanted to go back inside one more time and try to convince the mother of his child slated to die to not go through with the killing, and to speak with someone working in that place of death and let them know how he felt as a man.
We prayed for him as he went inside, hoping for a miracle, that this young lady would change her mind, but this did not happen....she stayed inside, bent on killing their baby.
But he did speak with someone in management and had them explain to him exactly what was going to happen to his baby, they even told him the baby would feel pain. He then leaned against the counter and looked at her in his eyes and said, "How can you sleep at night?"
He came back out to us, trembling and very broken, we prayed again, and I shared with him the same I shared with the others, that if his girl wouldn't change her mind, he must leave to avoid the bloodshed on his hands.
As I drove home, my heart ached for what we had experienced at that place of death yesterday. It's not often that we see men in turmoil over their babies being killed. Normally, the men are just about dragging the women inside and can't wait for the abortion to be over. But, this morning, there were three broken men, all had strayed from God, and all pleading and begging with the mothers of their children to let their babies live, to not kill them. Unless there was an intervention, these three men are now the father's of a dead child. The reality, unfortunately in our land right now is the fact that unborn human beings are the property of the mother, and NO human being should ever be the property of another. Women absolutely decide who lives and who dies in this nation....this should never be, and must be changed.
I can only pray that this holocaust will end in our land, and that personhood would be restored for the most vulnerable, small and weak in our land. God have mercy...... RISE UP OH YE MEN OF GOD!
Good Friday always takes me back to the sweet cross which Christ willingly laid his life down upon, so that we may have life. It is a time to contemplate the tremendous sacrifice HE made so many years ago.
This year as I headed down the road for our Good Friday Hour of Prayer & Praise, I thanked the Lord for the opportunity to go and sing praises to HIS name, read scripture and pray in front of a dark place of death; the Woman Care abortuary, owned by abortionist Ralph Bundy.
Upon arriving there was construction everywhere, but this did not stop us as we stood in the dirt
with tractors and trucks driving all around us as we sang to the King and read His precious word. It wasn't a pretty place to be, it was dirty and noisy, but it didn't matter, we knew we were where we were supposed to be!
We had many people let us know they were thankful we were there, along with opportunities to really speak to people, even a precious Christian married couple who had a business in the complex with this abortuary. They were horrified at the thought of this place of death being there, and shared how they had been wanting to get out of there because business wasn't good. I was able to explain to them that when there is a place where little baby boys and girls are being sacrificed on the altar of Molech, there would be a curse on that building and nothing would prosper. This couple got it and really understood what I was talking about. I gave them all kinds of information and made plans to go out to lunch to talk more, another time.
Toward the end of our service, as we were singing Amazing Grace, I felt compelled to go to the door of the mill and pray right there. I asked my friend Allura who was standing next to me if she would want to join me, and she immediately said, "Yes, I would love to do that!"
So we began to head up that way and soon, others were following.
As Allura and I were walking toward this place of death, I then felt compelled to go inside the abortuary and pray, so I shared this with her, and again she said, "Yes!"
When we walked up to the door, it looked as though they were open (normally they are closed on Friday). Sure enough as the door knob was turned, they were open! We looked inside and no one
was at the receptionists desk and one woman was sitting in this small waiting room.
We looked at each other and walked inside, with the other 5 fellow warrior friends following us! We all sat down and immediately began to pray in this very evil place! We pleaded with the Lord to remove the strongholds which has kept this dark and wicked place in bondage. We cried out for this place to be closed. We prayed for conviction to fall on the employees.
It was a moment I will never forget, a Good Friday that will never be forgotten!
The whole time we were there, God kept us hidden as not one employee came to the front, we were left to completely pray as long as we felt led!
Allura & Amber talking with woman!
When were finished, we began to file out except for a couple of us who stayed to speak with a woman that was sitting in the waiting room and heard our prayers! Her daughter was in the back, to which we encouraged her to go and get her out. We gave her literature and really talked with her. We did not see her go back, but we pray she did when we left.
Allura, Irene, Pat, Me, Amber, Terra & Russ!
As we walked out of those doors of death, we were all in a sense of awe at what God had just done! We all just really looked at each other and thanked the Lord for hiding, protecting, and allowing us to go inside that abortuary and pray for it's closure!
There are those times when you know deep down inside that God is prompting you to do something; yesterday was one of those times for me. I thank God I did not shove that prompting down and ignore that still, sweet voice of the Lord. I thank God for the friends HE has placed around me that are filled with Him, and filled with the courage and boldness that can only come from the Lord. For in our flesh, we would not have wanted to walk into that dark and dank place that makes it's money off of killing little baby boys and girls.
I pray now that we will see this place closed, this I pray Lord, please close this place of death down!
"For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavilion: in the secret of His tabernacle shall He hide me; He shall set me up upon a rock. And now shall mine head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me: therefore will I offer in His tabernacle sacrifices of joy; I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto the Lord." Psalm 27:5-6 ****Photo Credit of Prayer & Praise picture & You Tube Video to Amber Carroll