Finding a private message from a woman on one of our Facebook pages, explaining that she is 16 weeks pregnant and in need of help, I immediately called the phone number she left.
She answered right away thanking me for calling her and began to explain how she had found the facebook page/us. She shared how after finding out that she was pregnant with her fourth child, her husband out of work, and both of them Haitian and undocumented; she became panicked and began considering abortion, even though they are both Christians! She convinced herself that this was the only solution, and the decision was made to get the abortion.
She began to look at all the pictures and noticed that all the people looked to be Christians holding crosses, signs against abortion, pictures of babies that had been killed by abortion, and one
particular sign that stood out to her, and that was one that said, "FREE HELP, YOU DON'T HAVE TO ABORT", with a phone number to call, which is the Pro-Life Action Ministries Central Florida ministry line!
After looking at the pictures of all the people/Christians, the signs, crosses, and the offer of free help and you don't have to abort, she told me, at that moment, she thought to herself, "What am I thinking? What am I doing? I'm a Christian and I can't kill my child, I can't do this!"
This is when she called the ministry number and left the message, which I found, and called. I was able to speak with both her and her husband and both were very convicted at the thought of killing their child, and are now looking forward to seeing their baby on an ultrasound, which they will be having Monday, and I have the privilege of accompanying them.
How amazing is this? Only God could have done something this magnificent, and once again, I am reminded that God uses so many different things to save a baby from the brutal death of abortion and to let us know that HE is God, and HE alone. We only need to make ourselves available, willing and able!

Yes, God used a sign and a facebook page to save this child's life and I praise HIM!
Since talking with this couple, I have felt such joy, joy unspeakable, and I am once again humbled that I serve such an incredible Savior! No King, but King Jesus!
"He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted." Job 9:10