These were the words of a very broken man who had pleaded with the mother of his child to please not have the abortion that was scheduled, as they drove the over 3 hour drive to get to Planned Parenthood of Orlando.
As I stood talking to him through his car window in the driveway, I could see how devastated this young man was, with so much pain in his eyes after trying to save his child.
As I was speaking with him I noticed that they had a handsome, young son sitting in his car seat in the back, with big brown eyes staring at me, as if he knew the urgency of the situation.
One of the men who had come for our Jesus Loves the Little Children Day that Tuesday, came over to the car with his beautiful little girl, and said, "We are with you brother, whatever we can do to help, we will do it!" His daughter, in near tears said, "Please let the baby live, let this baby live!"
Before he pulled out,. we told him that we would be praying for his child, and that God would touch his wife's heart, and with that he pulled out, continually thanking us for being there and for what we were doing.

The father who had approached the car began to pray, "Lord, please use a relative, a family member, to save this child."
We continued to pray for this situation for the remainder of the time we were ministering, and right before we were getting ready to leave, a young man was standing out front and began mocking us.
His final words to us were, "You are just wasting your time!"
Well, we know that isn't true, and a couple minutes later, a young lady came walking out the front door of the abortuary. Instead of walking to the parking lot, she began to walk toward us.
Sandra, a fellow sidewalk counselor and friend said, "She's crying, tears are falling down her face!"
And then, the words we long to hear....."I didn't do it, I couldn't do it! I'm 18 weeks along, I'm so far along, I couldn't do it."
And with that, she lifted up the picture of her sonogram and showed us her beautiful child; the picture so clear, that we could see intricate details of this child that came so close to the slaughter.
Sandra and I then asked if we could hug her, and she gladly let us hug and hold her in our arms while she cried. At that point our friend Diana came over and was hugging her as was a beautiful moment, one I will never forget!
She then said, "I'm so relieved, I didn't do it! I didn't know I would feel this way, but I am so relieved and feel so good!"
We asked her if she would like us to take her to the pregnancy center, to which she let us know that the father of her baby was on his way to pick her up, and that they had driven from Fort Myers, and needed to get back!
I said to her, "I spoke with someone from Fort Myers today, wait, you are who we have been praying for! We have been praying for you, and he is going to be so happy, he didn't want you to have the abortion!!!! She agreed that, yes it was true, he didn't want her to have the abortion!
She went on to tell us that someone had given her one of our brochures before going inside PP, and while she waited, she had read through the pamphlet, and then when finding out she was 18 weeks along, she googled on her phone to see if her baby had finger prints, to which of course she found out her child indeed had fingerprints!
She then asked for the picture of her sonogram, and called her father, who had no idea she was there. She confessed what she had been planning to do, and right away he said, "That is my grandbaby, you can not do this, you must leave!" To which she did!
The prayer that had been prayed about a relative/family member helping to save this baby was answered!!!!! Oh how great our God is!!!!
At that moment, her ride was there, she hugged us again, thanking and telling us how much she appreciated us, and then walked fast up to the daddy of their baby, and showed him the picture, crying.
He held out his arms, and she sunk into his chest weeping; it was a sight you see in the movies! He then put his hands on her face and looked into her eyes and gave her a gentle kiss, and then walked her to the door, opened it, and helped her get in.
He looked at us, and we all had our thumbs up, while he kept saying thank you, it was so amazing, and we were on cloud nine, thanking the Lord God Almighty for having mercy on this baby!
They began to drive out, and we met them at the driveway, saying our good-byes, to which she allowed us to hug her again, and he was just all smiles.
Oh happy day! It was just one of those times, that will be etched upon all of our minds! Our God is great and greatly to be praised!
This is yet another reason why it is so important to be in front of these places of death, being that voice for the voiceless, exposing the evil deeds of these places, rescuing those led to the slaughter, and loving our neighbors as ourselves.
Thank you Lord for hearing our prayers, and thank you Lord for all that came out last Tuesday to be your hands and feet, to share the true love of Christ at this very, very dark place....To God be the Glory, for HE has done great things!