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In celebration of this evil, Cuomo lights the World Trade Center in pink! |
With that, my mind went back to that time and quickly I remembered the ashes billowing out of the smoke stack which sat on top of Tiller's abortuary for all to see....
The cloud of ashes looming over us, and spreading throughout Wichita...
The smell of human flesh permeating down the street, so strong that we felt as if we were standing in front of the concentration camps in Germany.....
The tiny pieces of babies who had been slaughtered by a man who was honored by so many, landing on our feet....
Wiping off our windshields when leaving because they were so heavily laden and covered with the ashes of the little babes who were completely innocent, but died horrendous deaths.
Looking down on the snow, and seeing the ashes and little bits of
the children who had been ripped apart in the name of choice...
Watching every Tuesday morning women coming from all across the nation, and abroad, for their late term abortions...up to the moment of delivery, some so large they needed help getting out of their vehicle....
And watching funeral hearses taking out some of the dead babies who weren't thrown into the incinerator, to funeral homes. Of course, those who came to see and pay respect, would have no clue that the child in this funeral home had been killed by order and decree of the parents, and had not died a natural death.
Yes, these were the thoughts that went through my mind, as I looked at pictures of the governor and
all around him, including Sarah Weddington,the attorney who represented 'Jane Roe' (Norma McCorvey) in the infamous Roe v Wade opinion which is now responsible for the deaths of over 60 million children....all smiling with glee over this mandate that swipes away any protection whatsoever for human beings in the womb for the entire duration.
This is the deepest level of evil, genocide, taking place right in front of our eyes, right in our midst; and the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob shall not be mocked!
But, do not think that New York is alone in allowing late term abortions, as New Mexico took over the later term abortion business from George Tiller after he died.
His cohorts in these crimes against humanity just packed up, and moved down to Albuquerque, and set up shop, and have had quite the hefty and gruesome late term abortion business!
And of course abortionist Leroy Carhart who came down once a month from Nebraska to kill babies for Tiller,couldn't miss out, or stop his mass killing spree, so he set up his late term killing center in Bethesda, MD.
But I pray that the outrage over the celebration of late term abortions in New York, will awaken a sleeping church, and the body of Christ will rise up and begin to defend the youngest and smallest in our land.
We can no longer live our lives pretending everything is fine, while the blood of the children seeps into our rivers, streams and sewage systems.
We can not be at peace knowing that our landfills are filled with the remains of innocent little children!
There is no peace with child sacrifice!
Yes, we all need to be outraged over this blatant joy and glee of killing full term babies in the womb ....but all life is precious, from the moment of conception, and we have got to start treating abortion as the civil rights issue of today.
We must demand that the unborn have their personhood restored and established, and that these young ones are recognized as persons with NO exceptions for women to kill their offspring!!!
The time is now....for such a time as this!
Pastors, rise up, speak out against this genocide taking place right in our midst! Lead your churches out to the abortuaries and have church right in front of these places of death!
Pastor Ken Peters in Seattle, Washington is doing this very thing, and it is growing!
This is a gospel issue...
We must love our neighbors as ourselves...
We must speak up for those who have no voice....
We must rescue those unjustly sentenced to death....
We must do everything we can to see this abomination of abortion end, in Jesus name! Protecting all little ones in the womb, no matter what size, or how old...they must be protected and have the same rights that you and I have...the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness!
We must settle for nothing less! We can not compromise on the lives of the innocent children in the womb any longer!
"Who will rise up for me against the evil doers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?” Psalm 94:16
Listen to the end where a woman prophetically says, "The Lord God Almighty have mercy on the state of New York!
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