Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Florida Sadly Has Become A Haven State for Abortions!

After 49 years, and over 65 million little baby boys and girls brutally slain on the altar of choice,  Roe
v Wade, the landmark Supreme court decision which unleashed this bloodshed on our land, was overturned on June 24, 2022 and we praise God for this!

Since then, we have seen our nation polarized over this decision which brought power back to the states to decide the fate of the youngest in our nation, the unborn.

The stark difference in the states, and American citizens likens to a line drawn in the sand for and against  freedom for the unborn.  

Some states immediately either banned abortions, or put restrictions on this brutal act, other states
expanded the so-called right to kill the unborn.

Unfortunately, and very sad to write, Florida has become a haven state for abortion!

In other words, the pro-abortion community has actually acknowledged that Florida is a 'haven' state for women to travel to for their abortions, if their state has banned this murderous act. 

So, those of us ministering on the sidewalks in front of the abortuaries in the sunshine state, especially central Florida and up, have witnessed women pouring in from other states to kill their innocent children, at a much higher rate than before!

Abortion bound women from Georgia, Mississippi, Texas, Louisiana, and other states are heading to the sunshine state to carry out their plans to kill their innocent babies.

Instead of seeing a decrease in the number of abortions, there has been an increase, and this is so very sad to watch, and terribly disheartening when we have the opportunity to set the unborn free.

We must pray for our legislators here in the state of Florida, that they will truly act upon these crimes against humanity as the civil and human rights issue that it is, and we must restore personhood, protection, and the rights of all the unborn
human beings!  

Let us pray that we will be a state that is a safe place of refuge for the unborn, not a haven for abortionists to carry out their deadly deed!!!!

Call your legislators, share your concern, and plead with them to work hard for the rights of all these  babes in the womb, that they will once again have the same rights that you and I have, the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.....we pray this in Jesus precious name!!!!!

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