Friday, September 13, 2024

God Moved On A Grandmother's Heart!

 "Please be the man that God created you to be, a man that protects women and children!"

These were the words that we cried out last Friday to a man who was standing outside of the AWHC abortuary while he waited for his wife and 15 year old daughter who were inside of this place of death.

Shirley Jo and I continued to reach out to him all morning, and finally, he came down to the sidewalk and we were able to have one on one conversations with him.

At first he portrayed to us that it wasn't really his decision, the usual jargon we hear so often, and that he was just there accompanying them.  We once again encouraged him to rise up and be the man that God created him to be and to protect his daughter and grandchild.

Throughout the morning the mother and daughter would go in and out of the abortuary, with us continually reaching out and letting them know that we would love to help them, and that nothing is impossible with God.

We really tried to reach out to the mom/grandmother, telling her that this abortion woud not help her relationship with her daughter, but would, in the end damage it, along with aiding ind abetting in the death of her grandchild.

We stayed until they left for the first day of the 24 hour waiting period, standing at the driveway as they were driving out, further offering the true help that they needed and to not let any harm come to this precious baby, and their daughter.

Fast forward to the next Tuesday, Shirley Jo and I noticed a car drive into the parking lot of AWHC, and noticed a mother and daughter exiting their vehicle, walking toward the abortuary.

We began ministering to them offering them help, hope and the truth of abortion.

This we continued to do throughout the morning as they would go in and out.

Later that morning Marek and Jonathon with OSA (Operation Save America), joined us in ministering, which we were so very grateful for!

Marek began to reach out to the Mom and daughter on one of the times that they came outside, and it was truly a blessing to hear this young man reach out with such compassion and the mighty truth of the gospel of Christ.

This continued on until the last time that they came outside and stood by their car.

Once again I walked up and let them know that we cared about them and truly wanted to help, with Marek following up sharing wonderful scriptures from the word of God and we noticed the mom was sobbing!

It was beautiful when Marek shared, "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."

We could see that God was truly reaching into this mom's heart and convicting her very soul about this life and death situation....there was no peace!  

Once again, I always stand in amazement at God's tremendous love, grace, mercy and kindness....for it is HIS kindness that leads us to repentence!

They finally got into their vehicle and began to drive out.  Marek was on one side of the driveway while I was on the other side.

Thankfully they stopped, and the mom, who was driving,  rolled down the window and Marek began to speak with her.

Suddenly, the passenger window opened, and it was the father, who I recognized right away from the other day!!!!  Finally it all came to me, that this was the family from Friday!

I looked at him and said, "You've been hiding out in this car!"

His response was, "It's going to be alright!"  

With that I asked him if his grandchild was going to be rescued and not murdered, and at that moment the mom turned and looked at me staying that she didn't want this, but that her daughter did as tears rolled down her cheeks.

I looked at her and told her that they are the parents, not to have any part in this evil, and that they have the right to say NO!

"Really" was her response, and I said "Yes, really!"

Marek at this point was ministering and talking with the daughter while she listened intently to him, which was a beautiful thing to witness.

I assured them again that we were there to help all along the way, and after the baby was born!  I also told them that we would love to hold a big baby shower, and go out to lunch with them.

I then asked the mom if she would like a hug, to which she said yes, got out of her car, she fell into my arms, which was something only God could orchestrate!

As they drove off, we thanked God and gave HIM the glory, for only HE can do something so miraculous as what we witnessed!

This is why it is so important to be in front of these abortuaries, proclaiming the truth of the gospel, speaking up for those who have no voice, and trying to rescue those unjustly sentenced to deaht!

Please continue to pray for this family, that no harm would come to this child, and that they would come to love, obey and surrender to the mighty power of Jesus!  GLORY! HALLEJUAH!


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